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Category Archives: IoT
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A chat with Christopher Chang, President of @ArcusMotion #IoTWorld @IotNews INTRODUCING THE ARCUS MOTION TITANS “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Einstein Startup City – Booth # 1 Arcus Technology
Golf break at Io TWorld, Thank you BICS_SA
Leading global carrier for #voice, #data & #IPX, and the network at the heart of global #connectivity enabling the mobility of people and things. #IoT #mobile bics.comConnecting the Internet of Things worldDigital technology has acted as the catalyst for globalization, allowing enterprises to reach more customers in more locations worldwide. Mobile technology and infrastructure now […]
Application and Service-Level system monitoring
SL Corporation is a leading provider of monitoring Belle chats with Nina Cartee, Chief Financial Officer of @SLCorporation at #IoTWorlds. Middleware Monitoring Solutions We help middleware teams more effectively monitor their middleware platforms. Consolidate views across technologies.
Mobile payment solutions
Wedson Lucas of Transire at #IoTWorld in Santa Clara Mobile payment solutions from #Transire #interview by #Belle of the #CodingClubhouse at @IoTWorldSeries #SantaClara #tech @WedsonLucas
Totokan Baby Monitor at IoT World with Belle Forster
Totokan is a portable and water-resistant baby monitor with over 4 hours of battery life, fully-charged. Announcing Totokan OXii A non-wearable breathing a0nd heart rate monitor. No accessories, no extra wires or wearables. From infants to elders. Tyrone lee @Totokanbaby Totokanbaby Tyronelee Totokan babymonitor Totokanbaby TotokanOXii breathing heartratemonitor infants elders CodingClubhouse, […]
Derek Bonuccelli with Zebra Technologies Corporatior
Zebra Technologies is all about asset tracking, including location time and spread. from NFL players to Cargo containers Zebra Tracks it. Zebra .com @ZebraTechnology
Doug Roberge with Kahuna
Follow Kahuna for cutting-edge mobile marketing thought leadership. Because engagement marketing deserves better.
Mark Wharton of IoTic Labs
Iotic Labs building a better way for things to connect to things Interview for the Internet of things conference in Santa Clara
Mode Inc an IoT platform connecting devices. May 23, 2015
Gaku Ueda Ceo of Mode Inc descusses IoT integration