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Tag Archives: Inspiring
Solos Wearables AWE 2018
Solos-Wearables @SolosWearables Introducing Solos™- Smart eyewear designed specifically for elite cyclists, trainers and coaches to maximize real-time data and tap their full potential. solos-wearables.com Ainsley Forster Interviews Ernesto Martinez Villalpando ernesto@solos-wearables.com
Auggie Awards at Augmented Reality Expo #AWE2018
The annual Auggie Awards have been the most recognized industry AR & VR awards in the world since 2010. Now in its 9th year, the Auggies continue to showcase the best-of-the-best in XR (AR/VR/MR). Congratulations to this year’s Auggie Award Winners! Thanks to all of you and our esteemed panel of judges we are pleased […]
Augmented Reality Expo #AWE2018 @theAREAorg
Ultrasonic Haptics
3D Modeling
Scan your head into a 3D model. Atom Universe at awe 2018Atom Universe is the only cross-platform virtual world, available now on PC and PlayStation: it lets you explore multiple spaces, customize your looksAWE 2018 Expo Floor
Mobile payment solutions
Wedson Lucas of Transire at #IoTWorld in Santa Clara Mobile payment solutions from #Transire #interview by #Belle of the #CodingClubhouse at @IoTWorldSeries #SantaClara #tech @WedsonLucas
Totokan Baby Monitor at IoT World with Belle Forster
Totokan is a portable and water-resistant baby monitor with over 4 hours of battery life, fully-charged. Announcing Totokan OXii A non-wearable breathing a0nd heart rate monitor. No accessories, no extra wires or wearables. From infants to elders. Tyrone lee totokan.com @Totokanbaby Totokanbaby facebook.com/totokanbaby latyrone@totokan.com Tyronelee totokan.com Totokan babymonitor Totokanbaby TotokanOXii breathing heartratemonitor infants elders CodingClubhouse, […]