Erin Craig of Wolfram Language

Wolfram brings data to life. Erin Craig is Manager Of Educational Software Technology.

Alannah, Interviewed by ABC7 News at Glazed 2014

At Glazed 2014 Alannah of the was interviewed by ABC7 News. What is the CodingClubhouse and what it the future of Google Glass

Alannah Interviews John Murray CTO of Seebright at AWE 2014

John Murray Co-Founder/CTO at Seebright an augmented/virtual reality startup located in Santa Cruz and Palo Alto, California. Seebright’s head-mounted display provides new experiences to expand the reality of work, play and communication, powered by a smartphone and a wireless motion controller. Santa Cruz, California Consumer Electronics

Google Capital, 300 Milion to invest.

Google Capital, a “growth stage” investment effort that has already put money into SurveyMonkey, Renaissance Learning, and Lending Club. Google Ventures will invest in technology companies that are early or mid stage. Tech companies that prove product-market fit. According to Bloomberg, Google Capital has $300 million in capital to spend. Google Capital, along with Google […]