Alannah uses CreoPop 3D Pen, May 20, 2015

The Creo Pop 3D Pen brings Safe 3D Printing Technology to kids. Creopop, #3dPen uses nontoxic ink & its under $100.

CreoPop a 3D Printing Pen

CreoPop a 3D pen that is safe for children interview with Andreas Birnik, CEO and Alannah Forster at Wearable World Congress in San Francisco 2015

Alannah interviews Nada E. with Creo Pop

Creopop a 3D pen you can draw on your skin with cool inks CreoPop ( is the world’s first 3D pen with cool ink. In contrast to other 3D pens, there are no hot parts, no melting plastic and no unpleasant smell. Instead, CreoPop uses photopolymers that are solidified using LED diodes to let users […]